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Writer's pictureWisconsin Argus Staff

Too soon? Wisconsin’s new abortion paradigm.


That could apply to people - especially women - still feeling emotionally vulnerable after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade just days ago and The Wisconsin Argus is already poking fun.

But… “Too soon” could also be a reference to how quickly the Republican Legislature gaveled out of the Special Session called by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers to push the State Assembly and Senate to overturn Wisconsin’s 1849 law banning abortions except where the life of the mother is at risk.

The State Senate gaveled out in 13 seconds. The State Assembly dilly dallied but still managed to gavel out after a mere 27 seconds.

Both gavel out times would likely qualify for the Olympics in the right event.

On the flip side, why beat around the bush?

If the Governor is going to force you into Special Session, to vote on something he knows your majority would never support, just to prove his point and score political brownie points in an election year, why bother going through the motions?

You could say that given the right to choose, the Legislature decided to abort!

Ooh! Too soon?

Partisan politics as usual.

FORWARD? Maybe next time.

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