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Writer's pictureWisconsin Argus Staff

National Anthem Bill Equals Pointless GOP Virtue Signaling

Updated: May 13, 2021

Dear Wisconsin Legislative Republicans,

Please focus your political capital on the big issues that truly impact the daily lives of your constituents.

Many of your constituents are struggling now more than ever. Pregame National Anthem protocols should not be considered a priority issue. Furthermore, pregame National Anthem protocols should be subject to the governance of the leagues themselves.

Is it absurd that some are moving to cut the National Anthem from pregame rituals?


Would we encourage our own local schools to include the National Anthem in pregame rituals?


Is it any of our business, or the State Legislature’s business, what The People’s Republic of Madison or any other locality, league, or organization decides to do as part of their pre-activity rituals?


The State Legislature cannot mandate patriotism. Historically, when any government tries to mandate patriotism it backfires completely.

The State Government has bigger issues to deal with like the state budget and forthcoming billions of dollars in COVID-19 stimulus funding from the federal government.

Republicans in the Wisconsin State Legislature are violating their own sworn principle of local control in this legislation. Hypocrisy has always thrived in politics, but it should be challenged and snuffed out whenever possible.

The State Legislature sending symbolic mandates from on high to localities, school districts, the WIAA, NCAA, and others reeks of a legislative overstep. Nearly every member of the Wisconsin GOP has invested ample time complaining about the federal government sticking its nose in state and local affairs. Here, Republicans at the state level are committing the same offense of trying to mandate local behavior.

Worst of all, this National Anthem preservation bill is completely toothless. It is merely a gesture. Headline chasing and finger wagging at best. Certainly not worth violating your dedication to the principle of local control.

Proving one’s patriotism within the Republican Party is perhaps more important now than ever. Save the patriotism for your stump speeches. This legislation is grandstanding at the expense of core party principles and a complete waste of time and energy.

Republican Legislators, stay true to your principles. Respect local control. Fight the fights that really matter. You cannot mandate patriotism. Just ask your good friends from history, the Communists.

Sources and Further Reading:

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