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Tim Michels Receives Trump Endorsement for Governor

Confirming the rumor, Donald Trump has officially endorsed Tim Michels in the Wisconsin Republican Primary for Governor.

Michels was a late entrant into the race and had already shaken up the now four candidate field.

The Trump endorsement may hurt Michels’ opponents even more than it will help him as all of the GOP candidates have supported Trump policies and to varying degrees emulated his rhetoric. Donald Trump remains popular with the Wisconsin Republican base although he did fall to 2nd behind Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in a straw poll for a preferred GOP nominee for President in 2024. Trump’s statement endorsing Michels:

Tim Michels is a very successful businessman running for Governor of the great State of Wisconsin.
During my Administration, Tim served on my infrastructure task force, and helped us plan and start building the Keystone XL Pipeline before Joe Biden launched his assault on American Energy production.
The current Governor, Tony Evers, has been an abject failure for the people of Wisconsin, from his abysmal handling of the China Virus, where his lockdowns were unprecedented, to rampant crime across the State.

Michels released the following statement upon receiving the endorsement:

“I appreciate President Trump’s endorsement and vote of confidence. This is a tremendous boost to our efforts and a continuation of our astounding surge since I entered the race.
Clearly we were all better off when we had firm leadership in the Oval Office. Long gone are the days of $2 a gallon gas, safer communities, and a secure border. I am working every day to defeat Tony Evers and get Wisconsin back on the right track.
There are a lot of people across Wisconsin who crave strong leadership. They are hardworking, law-abiding, taxpaying Wisconsinites who deserve better. Our campaign will reach them, motivate them, and inspire them to vote.”

Despite a strong showing at the Wisconsin Republican Convention in recent weeks, the Trump endorsement of Michels is a tough blow for former Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. She was the clear frontrunner until the late and recent entry of Michels into the race. Kleefisch even seemed to have a bit of momentum after receiving over 50% of the endorsement vote at the state convention, a commanding total compared to her three opponents and supporters of “No endorsement.”

The Kleefisch campaign released the following statement in response to the Trump endorsement of Michels:

“If I know one thing about President Trump, it’s that he likes winners, and I’m the only person in this race who has won statewide — not once, but four times.
“Our campaign will win this primary with our hardworking team of activists, volunteers and grassroots efforts. Then we will beat Tony Evers. And we will help Wisconsin families and workers win by securing our elections, making gas and groceries affordable again, restoring law and order, and putting parents back in charge of our schools.”

The candidacy that has arguably suffered the most since the Michels entry is that of Kevin Nicholson. Previously Nicholson appeared to be the underdog chasing Kleefisch, the frontrunner. Since Michels entered the race Nicholson seems to have become the forgotten third option.

The following results are from a poll of 675 likely Republican primary voters in early May 2022 ranked shortly after Michels entered the race:

Tim Michels…. 27%

Rebecca Kleefisch…. 26%

Kevin Nicholson…. 9%

Timothy Ramthun… 6% Not Sure… 29% Somwine Else…. 3%

In response to the Trump endorsement of Michels, Nicholson released the following


Since the day we launched our campaign, I’ve been the conservative outsider in this race. That was true then, and that’s true today. President Trump has been effective at identifying many of our nation’s problems - but the race to replace Tony Evers as governor isn’t going to be won by endorsements; it will be decided by thousands of hard-working Wisconsinites on election day. If you care about Wisconsin, and you are willing to fight to get our state back on track with common sense and a warrior spirit, I look forward to earning your vote and to serving as your governor.

The endorsement of Michels by Trump could be the coffin nail for the gubernatorial candidacy of State Representative Timothy Ramthun.

The Ramthun candidacy is largely centered around his insistence that Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 Presidential Election. Further, Ramthun has sought to decertify the election in Wisconsin, despite a leading conservative legal expert saying that such a move is not legally possible.

Ramthun for Governor tweeted the following response the Trump endorsement of Michels:

STATEMENT: The will of the voters will see Wisconsin to victory, that's if we count the votes. I am resolute in that fight. You know me. I’m Tim. Not just any Tim though, I’m #TimTime Tim. Join us and we will win a Wisconsin future our children so abjectly deserve.
What matters is the voice of the We The People. They will speak soon. Let their voice determine our next Governor. And let there be light.
God is on our side, the side of We the People, Wisconsin.

The August 9th Primary will be another test of the value of the Trump endorsement in Republican political primaries across the United States. Axios reports that the Trump endorsement has failed to deliver primary victories in recent elections.

The Trump endorsement is a feather in the cap for Michels for now. There is still plenty of campaigning, ads, and debates that can tip what appears to be at least a two-way race in any direction.

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