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Writer's pictureWisconsin Argus Staff

Governor Evers Embraces the “Oprah Strategy” as Re-Election Odds Remain Tight

The beauty of expensive campaign promises: If you lose, your opponent looks like a jerk for reneging on them!

Following the so-called “Oprah Strategy” for re-election to the letter, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has been churning out promises to be funded by the Pandemic Stimulus and/or Rainy Day Fund like Oprah handing out cars and iPads!

You get taxpayer dollars!

You get taxpayer dollars!

Everybody gets TAXPAYER DOLLARS!!!


Let's be real. To the victor go the spoils! Governor Evers is not the first politician to buy votes and/or reward his supporters by funding per projects.

That said, Governor Evers is in no position to cruise to re-election without cajoling a little extra support.

The latest Marquette Law School Poll shows Governor Evers in a dead heat with challenger Tim Michels, Wisconsin businessman and military veteran. Gov. Evers polled at 47% while Michels received 44% in a poll with a 4.9% margin of error.

There are a few factors further tightening the Wisconsin race for Governor:

  1. With a Democrat in The White House in President Joe Biden, history has shown Midterm Elections favor the opposing party. That would indicate a more motivated base or "red wave" as it is often called for for Republican Tim Michels.

  2. In the Donald Trump era polls have tended to underestimate conservative turnout. Michels, who was endorsed by Trump in the GOP Primary, claimed he believes his actual support level is 5-10% higher than what polls are showing. If the Trump polling outperformance continues Michels would probably be more realistic in expecting a 3-6% bump. IF history repeats itself.

  3. Democrats struggle to turnout their voters in Midterms. They have much stronger turnout in Presidential election years.

When in dire electoral straights, trot out the oldest ploy in the political playbook: Government Giveaways!!!


Here a the mega handouts Gov. Evers has promised, so far:

  1. $90 million for education! Can you say: “If you’re good to the union (WEAC), the union’s good to you!”

  2. Waukesha Civic Theatre was awarded a $250,000 grant by Gov. Evers and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation… cuz we know they’re not Republicans. Also, Waukesha County has show more hints of Democratic voters in recent years.

  3. This was part of the newly announced $25 million in additional funds for a new round of the Badger Bounceback Program launched by Gov. Evers to assist small business and non-profit organizations during the COVID pandemic.

  4. Governor Evers, after previously trying to increase taxes, now up for re-election has promised a 10% income tax cut, totaling $600 million. The Republican-controlled State Legislature recently rejected a larger tax cut proposal in what can only be considered counter-pettiness in an election year. They don't call him "Shadow Governor" Speaker Robin Vos for nothing!

  5. In August Gov. Evers promised $10 million in grant money to help people clean contaminated private wells.

All of these promises would be funded from the unprecedented state surplus projected to grow to $5.4 billion dollars after already reaching $3.8 billion in January of 2022 according to the Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

If there are any more handouts promised, we lost track.

Get your hands up! The handouts are coming!

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